Over my 7 years of college, 25 years of being alive and countless hours of guilt, shame and negative self talk about food: overcoming this narrative was one of my biggest challenges- even bigger than my anatomy and physiology exam 💀
Nourishment should not have strict rules and it should not leave you feeling anything but loved and supported 💓
Today, I started my day off with Nutella on an English muffin. Regrets? Nope. Nourished? Yep.
Often times, I felt that as a nutritionist I should be perfect. That I should start my day with a green juice and end it with a fast. Denying soul nourishment was devastating.
Intuitive eating is not only about eating a variety of macro and micro nutrients and listening to your body’s physical needs- it’s about not depriving yourself of foods that you love.
This lesson is not one that can be taught, it is built by strengthening the relationship that you have with yourself ❤️
I hope that I can help you strengthen this relationship- after all, you are all SO worth it ✨